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Добро пожаловать в блог! Надеемся, что Вы еще вернетесь.

Сегодня ночью обнаружилось, что один из апстрим каналов начал играть в «ванька-встанька».

BGP сессия падала, поднималась, снова падала, снова поднималась и так до бесконечности.

В логах BGP читалось:

Sep  9 00:26:59.219845 RPD_BGP_NEIGHBOR_STATE_CHANGED: BGP peer XX.XX.XX.141 (External AS XXXX) changed state from Established to Idle (event RecvUpdate)
Sep  9 00:27:03.460183 bgp_read_v4_update:8189: NOTIFICATION sent to XX.XX.XX.141 (External AS XXXX): code 3 (Update Message Error) subcode 11 (AS path attribute problem)
Sep  9 00:27:39.219859 RPD_BGP_NEIGHBOR_STATE_CHANGED: BGP peer XX.XX.XX.141 (External AS XXXX) changed state from OpenConfirm to Established (event RecvKeepAlive)

В messages:

Sep  9 00:27:33  rpd[1153]: XX.XX.XX.141 (External AS XXXX) Received BAD update for family inet-unicast(1), prefix

Полез разбираться, читаем:
BGP Notification Message Error Codes and Error Subcodes

Table 142: BGP Notification Message Error Codes  

Code Name Description
1 Message Header
A problem was detected either
with the contents or length of the BGP header. The Error Subcode
provides more details on the nature of the problem.
2 Open
Message Error
A problem was
found in the body of an Open message. The Error Subtype field
describes the problem in more detail. Note that authentication failures
or inability to agree on a parameter such as hold time are included
3 Update Message
A problem was found in the body
of an Update message. Again, the Error Subtype provides
more information. Many of the problems that fall under this code are
related to issues detected in the routing data or path attributes sent
in the Update message, so these messages provide feedback about
such problems to the device sending the erroneous data.
4 Hold
Timer Expired
A message was
not received before the hold time expired.
the description of the Keepalive message for details on this timer
5 Finite State
Machine Error
The BGP finite state machine
refers to the mechanism by which the BGP software on a peer moves from
one operating state to another based on events (
the TCP finite state machine description for some background on this
). If an event occurs that is unexpected
for the state the peer is currently in, it will generate this error.
6 Cease Used when a
BGP device wants to break the connection to a peer for a reason not
related to any of the error conditions described by the other codes.

Table 143: BGP Notification Message Error Subcodes  

Subcode Value
Header Error (Error Code 1)
1 Connection Not
The expected value in the Marker
field was not found, indicating that the connection has become unsynchronized.
the description of the Marker field
2 Bad
Message Length
The message
was less than 19 bytes, greater than 4096 bytes, or not consistent with
what was expected for the message type.
3 Bad Message
The Type field of the
message contains an invalid value.
Message Error (Error Code 2)
1 Unsupported
Version Number
The device
does not “speak” the version number its peer is trying to
2 Bad Peer AS The router doesn’t recognize
the peer’s autonomous system number or is not willing to communicate
with it.
3 Bad
BGP Identifier
The BGP Identifier
field is invalid.
4 Unsupported
Optional Parameter
The Open message contains
an optional parameter that the recipient of the message doesn’t understand.
5 Authentication
The data in
the Authentication Information optional parameter could not be
6 Unacceptable
Hold Time
The router refuses to open a
session because the proposed hold time its peer specified in its Open
message is unacceptable.
Message Error (Error Code 3)
1 Malformed
Attribute List
The overall
structure of the message’s
is incorrect, or an attribute
has appeared twice.
2 Unrecognized
Well-Known Attribute
One of the mandatory well-known
attributes was not recognized.
3 Missing
Well-Known Attribute
One of the
mandatory well-known attributes was not specified.
4 Attribute Flags
An attribute has a flag set to
a value that conflicts with the attribute’s type code.
5 Attribute
Length Error
The length
of an attribute is incorrect.
6 Invalid Origin
The Origin attribute has
an undefined value.
7 AS
Routing Loop
A routing loop
was detected.
8 Invalid Next_Hop
The Next_Hop attribute
is invalid.
9 Optional
Attribute Error
An error was
detected in an optional attribute.
10 Invalid Network
The Network Layer Reachability
field is incorrect.
11 Malformed
The AS_Path
attribute is incorrect.

Такс… приехали…

При помощи своего апстрима удалось выяснить что действительно мне и многим другим другим поднасрал Saudi Telecom и анонсируемый им префикс
О чем свидетельствуют мои логи, рассказ апстрима о проблемах и у других его клиентов, а так же:  Saudi Telecom sending route with invalid attributes

anyone else getting a route for with invalid
attributes? Seems this is (again) causing problems with some (older)

Announcement bits (4): 0-KRT 3-KRT 5-Resolve tree 1
6-Resolve tree 2
AS path: 6453 39386 25019 I Unrecognized Attributes: 39
AS path: Attr flags e0 code 80: 00 00 fd 88 40 01 01 02
40 02 04 02 01 5b a0 c0 11 04 02 01 fc da 80 04 04 00 00 00 01 40 05 04
00 00 00 64
Accepted Multipath



Exactly the same here.

Sep 8 20:24:04 BBD-RC02 rpd[1334]: Received BAD update from (External AS 41887), aspath_attr():3472
PA4_TYPE_ATTRSET(128) => 1 times IGNORED, family inet-unicast(1), prefix


Смотрим инфу в RIPE:

% Information related to ''
descr: Saudi Arabia backbone and local registry address space / STC
remarks: for any Abuse or Spamming Please send an e-mail to
origin: AS25019
mnt-by: saudinet-stc
source: RIPE # Filtered

% Information related to ''
descr: Saudi Arabia backbone and local registry address space / STC
origin: AS39891
mnt-by: saudinet-stc
source: RIPE # Filtered

О как, за двумя ASками данный префикс числится. Красавцы, чего тут сказать.

Отфильтровав этот префикс к чертям собачьим, BGP сессия сразу же перестала падать. Вечером та же участь постигла и другого апстрима.

Т.к. к вечеру я уже реально задолбался, то взял отфильтровал нафиг по as-path обе аски  AS39891 и AS25019. Пусть саудовский телеком идет лесом и уже научится пользоваться BGP фильтрами.

Вот так один «олень» может доставить гемороя многим во всем мире.

З.Ы. Junos:

    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [9.4R1.8]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.4R1.8]

Пролеме точно подвержены Junos`ы версии 9.4 и ниже, update JunOS`а ждет меня и не только меня 🙂

Ничего не понялТак себе...Не плохоДовольно интересноОтлично ! То что нужно ! (голосов: 1, среднее: 5,00 из 5)
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Обеспечить функционирование второго канала (backup) в Интернет для офиса при использовании канала от Yota.

Для обеспечения NAT`а возьмем ng_nat.


  • USB-модем Samsung SWC-U200
  • Сервер FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE


Для USB-модемов Samsung SWC-U200 и Samsung SWC-E100 в портах появились userland-драйвер, находящийся в /usr/ports/net/lvwimax.

Инсталлируем их обычным способом:

# cd /usr/ports/net/lvwimax/
# make install clean

Перезапускаем демон отслеживания изменения состояния устройств:

# /etc/rc.d/devd restart

Для автостарта драйвера при загрузке системы добавим в /etc/rc.conf:



где 60:D0:A9:XX:YY:ZZ — MAC адрес USB-модема (его можно посмотреть либо на коробочке либо в личном кабинете).


Для логгирования отладочной инфы в отдельные файлы в начало /etc/syslog.conf следует добавить:

local6.err              /var/log/lvwimax_err.log             /var/log/lvwimax_info.log

local6.debug            /var/log/lvwimax_debug.log

Создать файлы лога:

# touch /var/log/lvwimax_err.log

# touch /var/log/lvwimax_info.log

# touch /var/log/lvwimax_debug.log

и перезапустить syslogd:

# /etc/rc.d/syslogd restart

Загружаем модули ядра для работы NAT:

# kldload ng_ipfw

# kldload ng_nat

Для загрузки модулей при старте системы добавим в /boot/loader.conf:




dhclient вызывает скрипт конфигурации сетевых параметров — dhclient-script, который после конфигурирования сетевого интерфейса смотрит, есть ли файл с именем /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks. Если файл находится, то он запускается на исполнение.

Этим мы и воспользуемся для изменения конфигурации NAT после получения IP-адреса по DHCP от провайдера.

Создадим файл /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks с содержанием:


if [ "$reason" = "REBOOT" -o "$reason" = "BOUND" -o "$reason" = "RENEW" -o "$reason" = "REBIND" ]; then

ipfw -q delete 410

ipfw -q delete 420

ipfw -q delete 430

if ngctl show Yota_nat: >/dev/null 2>&1; then

/usr/sbin/ngctl shutdown Yota_nat:

echo "Destroy old nat config was complete" >>/var/log/dhc.log


/usr/sbin/ngctl mkpeer ipfw: nat 70 out

/usr/sbin/ngctl name ipfw:70 Yota_nat

/usr/sbin/ngctl connect ipfw: Yota_nat: 80 in

/usr/sbin/ngctl msg Yota_nat: setaliasaddr $new_ip_address

echo "Create nat config was complete" >>/var/log/dhc.log

 ipfw -q add 410 netgraph 80 ip from any to $new_ip_address via tap0 in

ipfw -q add 420 netgraph 70 ip from table"(99)" to any via vlan10 in

ipfw -q add 430 fwd $new_routers ip from $new_ip_address to any

echo "Apply ipfw rules for nat was complete" >>/var/log/dhc.log


Сделаем скрипт исполняемым:

# chmod a+x /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks

В нем вся «магия» по управлению конфигурацией NAT при изменении адреса после работы dhclient’a:

удаление старых правил ipfw, удаление старой конфигурации NAT, создание новой конфигурации NAT, применение новых правил ipfw.

При этом маршрут по умолчанию не изменяется.


Вставляем USB-модем в сервер и в путь:

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/lvwimax start

Смотрим в ifconfig для проверки наличия интерфейса и полученного по DHCP IP-адреса:

tap0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1386
        ether 60:d0:a9:f9:4a:74
        inet6 fe80::62d0:a9ff:fef9:4a74%tap0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x12
        inet netmask 0xfffffc00 broadcast
        nd6 options=3
        Opened by PID 63322

Осталось в table(99)  поместить хосты или подсети для доступа в интернет через Yota.


P.S. Естественно, что данный способ будет работать с любым провайдером, для подключения к которому используется dhclient.

P.S.S. При копировании статьи ссылка на источник ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНА ! Уважайте чужой труд.

Автор: Панфилов Алексей (lehis (at)


Ничего не понялТак себе...Не плохоДовольно интересноОтлично ! То что нужно ! (голосов: 1, среднее: 5,00 из 5)
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Возникла необходимость записывать действия админов и саппортов на управляемом железе сети ( более 300 единиц железа).

Например доступ по телнету к свичам и их последущая настройка.


1. Переносим бинарник телнета куда нибудь подальше:

# mv /usr/bin/telnet /usr/bin/1telnet

2. Делаем свою «обертку» над телнетом с использованием script:
# cat /usr/bin/telnet

(id;pwd;echo $HOME ) >  /var/tmp/1/`date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S`-$1
script -q -a /var/tmp/1/`date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S`-$1 /usr/bin/1telnet $1


и вуаля, в /var/tmp/1/ cкладируются действия над свичами со стороны операторов,

также имеем некоторого рода бакап конфигов, тк sh run обычно оператор делает, соответсвенно он тоже фиксируется

З.Ы. При копировании статьи ссылка на источник ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНА ! Пожалуйста, уважайте чужой труд.

Автор: stalex


Ничего не понялТак себе...Не плохоДовольно интересноОтлично ! То что нужно ! (голосов: 2, среднее: 5,00 из 5)
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В продолжение статей (AS5350 в качестве VoIP-шлюза и Cisco AS5350 и RADIUS) о настройке Cisco AS5350 рассказываем решение по ограничению длительности вызовов, проходящих через Cisco AS5350.

После нахождения очередного зависшего вызова (такое случается уже не часто, но тем не менее бывает) было решено попробовать ввести ограничение максимальной длительности вызова. Использование этого функционала возможно, начиная с  Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T.

Активируем данную фичу, дав команды в режиме глобальной конфигурации:

package callfeature

Ограничиваем макисмальную длительность вызова 60 минутами:
param long-dur-duration 60

По достижении максимальной длительности вызова завершаем его:

param long-dur-action disconnnect

Помимо завершения доступны еще действия: ignore и syslog.

Включаем режим определения длительности вызова:
param long-dur-call-mon enable

Код причины завершения вызова — «прерывание» (передается в Radius, м.б. полезно для последующей выборки завершенных звонков):
long-dur-disc-cause 8

В логах фиксируется завершенный вызов:

show logging
Mar 23 2011 17:49:43.372 MSK: %SIP-6-LONG_DUR_CALL_DETECTED: Long Duration Call is detected on call with CallId 1011872, GUID 76CC44C1-549311E03/23/2011 17:49:43, Calling number 8499678xxxx, Called Number 89104xxxxxx, at 03/23/2011 17:49:43.372, Duration: 60 min, RTP Media:Active; Control:Inactive.

Mar 23 2011 17:49:43.372 MSK: %VTSP-6-LONG_DUR_CALL_DETECTED: Long Duration Call is detected for call with CallId 1011873, GUID 76CC44C1-549311E0-9E4EECE1-281A6C12, CIC 3/1.31, Calling number 8499678xxxx, CalledNumber 89104xxxxxx, at 03/23/2011 17:49:43.372, Duration: 60 min, RTP media status = N/A

Благодарю Сергея Бабичева (aka zaikini) за наводку на документацию производителя оборудования по этому вопросу.

P.S. На IOS 12.4(15)T11 (на других версиях не проверялось в силу их отсутствия) обнаружилось следующее:

при заданных глобальных настройках ограничения длительности вызовов и указанных в диалпире кастомных настройках, например:

dial-peer voice 46 voip
paramspace callfeature long-dur-duration 1
paramspace callfeature long-dur-action disconnect
paramspace callfeature long-dur-call-mon enable

имеем следующее:

  1. заданной в диалпире длительностью ограничиваются вызовы, не попадающие под данный диалпир (но не все вызовы, закономерности выявить не смог).
  2. у вызова, попадающего под данный диалпир, длительность ограничивается только если это вызов в ТфОП, исходящий ИЗ SIP, если же идет вызов из ТфОП В SIP, то ограничение на него не действует.

P.P.S. Т.к. в закладках периодически «протухают» линки на коды завершения вызовов согласно рекомендации ITU-T Q.850, то я решил их «увековечить» в нашем блоге (будьте внимательны — коды даны в десятичном представлении, а в radius’e и дебаге cisco они фигурируют в шестнадцатиричном представлении) :

ISDN Cause Codes (Источник)

Cause No. 0
This is usually given by the router when none of the other codes apply. This cause usually occurs in the same type of situations as cause 1, cause 88, and cause 100.

Cause No. 1 — Unallocated (unassigned) number.
This cause indicates that the destination requested by the calling user cannot be reached because, although the number is in a valid format, it is not currently assigned (allocated).
What it usually means:
The SPIDS may be incorrectly entered in the router or the Telco switch, giving a SPID failure in the router logs.
The ISDN phone number being dialed by the router is invalid and the telco switch cannot locate the number to complete the call, as it is invalid.
On long distance calls, the call cannot be properly routed to its destination.

Cause No. 2 — No route to specified transit network (national use).
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to route the call through a particular transit network which it does not recognize. The equipment sending this cause does not recognize the transit network either because the transit network does not exist or because that particular transit network not serve the equipment which is sending this cause.

Cause No. 3 — No route to destination.
This cause indicates that the called party cannot be reached because the network through which the call has been routed does not serve the destination desired. This cause is supported on a network dependent basis.

Cause No. 4 — send special information tone.
This cause indicates that the called party cannot be reached for reasons that are of a long term nature and that the special information tone should be returned to the calling party.

Cause No. 5 — misdialed trunk prefix (national use).
This cause indicates the erroneous inclusion of a trunk prefix in the called party number. This number is to sniped from the dialed number being sent to the network by the customer premises equipment.

Cause No. 6 — channel unacceptable.
This cause indicates that the channel most recently identified is not acceptable to the sending entity for use in this call.

Cause No. 7 — call awarded. being delivered in an established channel.
This cause indicates that the user has been awarded the incoming call and that the incoming call is being connected to a channel already established to that user for similar calls (e.g. packet-mode x.25 virtual calls).

Cause No. 8 — preemption.
This cause indicates the call is being preempted.

Cause No. 9 — preemption — circuit reserved for reuse.
This cause indicates that the call is being preempted and the circuit is reserved for reuse by the preempting exchange.

Cause No. 16 — normal call clearing.
This cause indicates that the call is being cleared because one of the users involved in the call has requested that the call be cleared.
What it means:
This could be almost anything; it is the vaguest of the cause codes. The call comes down normally, but the reasons for it could be:
— Bad username or password
— Router’s settings do not match what is expected by the remote end.
— Telephone line problems.
— Hung session on remote end.

Cause No. 17 — user busy.
This cause is used to indicate that the called party is unable to accept another call because the user busy condition has been encountered. This cause value may be generated by the called user or by the network. In the case of user determined user busy it is noted that the user equipment is compatible with the call.
What is means:
Calling end is busy.

Cause No. 18 — no user responding.
This cause is used when a called party does not respond to a call establishment message with either an alerting or connect indication within the prescribed period of time allocated.
What it means:
The equipment on the other end does not answer the call. Usually this is a misconfiguration on the equipment being called.

Cause No. 19 — no answer from user (user alerted).
This cause is used when the called party has been alerted but does not respond with a connect indication within a prescribed period of time. Note — This cause is not necessarily generated by Q.931 procedures but may be generated by internal network timers.

Cause No. 20 — subscriber absent.
This cause value is used when a mobile station has logged off. Radio contact is not obtained with a mobile station or if a personal telecommunication user is temporarily not addressable at any user-network interface.

Cause No. 21 — call rejected.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not wish to accept this call. although it could have accepted the call because the equipment sending this cause is neither busy nor incompatible. This cause may also be generated by the network, indicating that the call was cleared due to a supplementary service constraint. The diagnostic field may contain additional information about the supplementary service and reason for rejection.
What it means:
This is usually a telco issue. The call never reaches the final destination, which can be caused by a bad switch translation, or a misconfiguration on the equipment being called.

Cause No. 22 — number changed.
This cause is returned to a calling party when the called party number indicated by the calling party is no longer assigned. The new called party number may optionally be included in the diagnostic field. If a network does not support this cause, cause no. 1, unallocated (unassigned) number shall be used.

Cause No. 26 — non-selected user clearing.
This cause indicates that the user has not been awarded the incoming call.

Cause No. 27 — destination out of order.
This cause indicates that the destination indicated by the user cannot be reached because the interface to the destination is not functioning correctly. The term «not functioning correctly» indicates that a signal message was unable to be delivered to the remote party; e.g., a physical layer or data link layer failure at the remote party or user equipment off-line.

Cause No. 28 — invalid number format (address incomplete).
This cause indicates that the called party cannot be reached because the called party number is not in a valid format or is not complete.

Cause No. 29 — facilities rejected.
This cause is returned when a supplementary service requested by the user cannot be provide by the network.

Cause No. 30 — response to STATUS INQUIRY.
This cause is included in the STATUS message when the reason for generating the STATUS message was the prior receipt of a STATUS INQUIRY.

Cause No. 31 — normal. unspecified.
This cause is used to report a normal event only when no other cause in the normal class applies.

Cause No. 34 — no circuit/channel available.
This cause indicates that there is no appropriate circuit/channel presently available to handle the call.
What it means:
There is no place on the Public Telephone network to place the call; the call never gets to its destiation. This is usually a temporary problem.

Cause No. 35 — Call Queued.

Cause No. 38 — network out of order.
This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is likely to last a relatively long period of time e.g., immediately re-attempting the call is not likely to be successful.

Cause No. 39 — permanent frame mode connection out-of-service.
This cause is included in a STATUS message to indicate that a permanently established frame mode connection is out-of-service (e.g. due to equipment or section failure)

Cause No. 40 — permanent frame mode connection operational.
This cause is included in a STATUS message to indicate that a permanently established frame mode connection is operational and capable of carrying user information.

Cause No. 41 — temporary failure.
This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is no likely to last a long period of time; e.g., the user may wish to try another call attempt almost immediately.
What it means:
This means that there is a temporary failure at the physical layer on the ISDN network. If you remove the ISDN cable from the Netopia, you would see this. It’s usually temporary.

Cause No. 42 — switching equipment congestion.
This cause indicates that the switching equipment generating this cause is experiencing a period of high traffic.
What it means:
Just too much going on at this point on the ISDN network to get the call through to its destination.

Cause No. 43 — access information discarded.
This cause indicates that the network could not deliver access information to the remote user as requested. i.e., user-to-user information, low layer compatibility, high layer compatibility or sub-address as indicated in the diagnostic. It is noted that the particular type of access information discarded is optionally included in the diagnostic.

Cause No. 44 — requested circuit/channel not available.
This cause is returned when the circuit or channel indicated by the requesting entity cannot be provided by the other side of the interface.

Cause No. 46 — precedence call blocked.
This cause indicates that there are no predictable circuits or that the called user is busy with a call of equal or higher preventable level.

Cause No. 47 — resource unavailable, unspecified.
This cause is used to report a resource unavailable event only when no other cause in the resource unavailable class applies.

Cause No. 49 — Quality of Service not available.
This cause is used to report that the requested Quality of Service, as defined in Recommendation X.213. cannot be provided (e.g., throughput of transit delay cannot be supported).

Cause No. 50 — requested facility not subscribed.
This cause indicates that the user has requested a supplementary service which is implemented by the equipment which generated this cause but the user is not authorized to use.
What it means:
The switch looks at the number being dialed and thinks it is for another service rather than ISDN. If the phone number is put in the correct format, the call should be placed properly. There are no standards for this, all Telcos have their own system for programming the number formats that the switches will recognize. Some systems want to see 7 digits, some 10, and others 11.

Cause No. 52 — outgoing calls barred.

Cause No. 53 — outgoing calls barred within CUG.
This cause indicates that although the calling party is a member of the CUG for the outgoing CUG call. Outgoing calls are not allowed for this member of the CUG.

Cause No. 54 — incoming calls barred

Cause No. 55 — incoming calls barred within CUG.
This cause indicates that although the calling party is a member of the CUG for the incoming CUG call. Incoming calls are not allowed for this member of the CUG.

Cause No. 57 — bearer capability not authorized.
This cause indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability which is implemented by the equipment which generated this cause but the user is not authorized to use.

Cause No. 58 — bearer capability not presently available.
This cause indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability which is implemented by the equipment which generated this cause but which is not available at this time.

Cause No. 62 — inconsistency in outgoing information element.
This cause indicates an inconsistency in the designated outgoing access information and subscriber class.

Cause No. 63 — service or option not available. unspecified.
This cause is used to report a service or option not available event only when no other cause in the service or option not available class applies.

Cause No. 65 — bearer capability not implemented.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the bearer capability requested.
What it means:
In most cases, the number being called is not an ISDN number but an analog destination.
The equipment is dialing at a faster rate than the circuitry allows, for example, dialing at 64K when only 56K is supported.

Cause No. 66 — channel type not implemented.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the channel type requested.

Cause No. 69 — requested facility not implemented.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the requested supplementary services.

Cause No. 70 — only restricted digital information bearer capability is available.
This cause indicates that the calling party has requested an unrestricted bearer service but the equipment sending this cause only supports the restricted version of the requested bearer capability.

Cause No. 79 — service or option not implemented unspecified.
This cause is used to report a service or option not implemented event only when no other cause in the service or option not implemented class applies.

Cause No. 81 — invalid call reference value.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a call reference which is not currently in use on the user-network interface.

Cause No. 82 — identified channel does not exist.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to use a channel not activated on the interface for a call. For example, if a user has subscribed to those channels on a primary rate interface numbered from l to 12 and the user equipment or the network attempts to use channels 3 through 23, this cause is generated.

Cause No. 83 — a suspended call exists, but this call identify does not.
This cause indicates that a call resume has been attempted with a call identity which differs from that in use for any presently suspended call(s).

Cause No. 84 — call identity in use.
This cause indicates that the network has received a call suspended request containing a call identity (including the null call identity) which is already in use for a suspended call within the domain of interfaces over which the call might be resumed.

Cause No. 85 — no call suspended.
This cause indicates that the network has received a call resume request containing a call identity information element which presently does not indicate any suspended call within the domain of interfaces over which calls may be resumed.

Cause No. 86 — call having the requested call identity has been cleared.
This cause indicates that the network has received a call resume request containing a call identity information element indicating a suspended call that has in the meantime been cleared while suspended (either by network time-out or by the remote user).

Cause No. 87 — user not a member of CUG.
This cause indicates that the called user for the incoming CUG call is not a member of the specified CUG or that the calling user is an ordinary subscriber calling a CUG subscriber.

Cause No. 88 — incompatible destination.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to establish a call which has low layer compatibility. high layer compatibility or other compatibility attributes (e.g., data rate) which cannot be accommodated.
What it means:
This usually means that the Number To Dial in the Connection Profile is in the wrong format. You may need to dial a 10 or 11 digit number, or dial a 9 in front of the number if it is a Centrex line.
This problem may also give a Cause 111.
Dialing at the wrong line speed can also give this Cause.

Cause No. 90 — non-existent CUG.
This cause indicates that the specified CUG does not exist.

Cause No. 91 — invalid transit network selection (national use).
This cause indicates that a transit network identification was received which is of an incorrect format as defined in Annex C/Q.931

Cause No. 95 — invalid message, unspecified.
This cause is used to report an invalid message event only when no other cause in the invalid message class applies.

Cause No. 96 — mandatory information element is missing.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which is missing an information element which must be present in the message before that message can be processed.
What it means:
This is rarely seen in North America but usually means that the number that is being dialed is in the wrong format, (similar to cause 88). Some part of the format being used is not understood by either the remote side equipment or the switching equipment between the source and destination of the call.

Cause No. 97 — message type non-existent or not implemented.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a message type it does not recognize either because this is a message not defined of defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this cause.

Cause No. 98 — message not compatible with call state or message type non-existent.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message such that the procedures do not indicate that this is a permissible message to receive while in the call state, or a STATUS message was received indicating an incompatible call state.

Cause No. 99 — Information element / parameter non-existent or not implemented.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which includes information element(s)/parameter(s) not recognized because the information element(s)/parameter name(s) are not defined or are defined but not implemented by the equipment sending the cause. This cause indicates that the information element(s)/parameter(s) were discarded. However, the information element is not required to be present in the message in order for the equipment sending the cause to process the message.

Cause No. 100 — Invalid information element contents.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received and information element which it has implemented; however, one or more of the fields in the information element are coded in such a way which has not been implemented by the equipment sending this cause.
What it means:
Like cause 1 and cause 88, this usually indicates that the ISDN number being dialed is in a format that is not understood by the equipment processing the call. SPIDs will sometimes fail to initialize with a Cause 100, or a call will fail with this cause.

Cause No. 101 — message not compatible with call state.
This cause indicates that a message has been received which is incompatible with the call state.

Cause No. 102 — recovery on timer expiry.
This cause indicates that a procedure has been initiated by the expiration of a timer in association with error handling procedures.
What it means:
his is seen in situations where ACO (Alternate Call Offering) is being used. With this type of call pre-emption, the Telco switch operates a timer. For example, when an analog call is placed to a Netopia router that has two B Data Channels in place, the router relinquishes the second channel, but if it doesn’t happen in the time allotted by the switch programming, the call will not ring through and will be discarded by the switch.

Cause No. 103 — parameter non-existent or not implemented — passed on (national use).
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which includes parameters not recognized because the parameters are not defined or are defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this cause. The cause indicates that the parameter(s) were ignored. In addition, if the equipment sending this cause is an intermediate point, then this cause indicates that the parameter(s) were passed unchanged.

Cause No. 110 — message with unrecognized parameter discarded.
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has discarded a received message which includes a parameter that is not recognized.

Cause No. 111 — protocol error, unspecified.
This cause is used to report a protocol error event only when no other cause in the protocol error class applies.

Cause No. 127 — Intel-working, unspecified.
This cause indicates that an interworking call (usually a call to 5W56 service) has ended.
Notes about Cause Codes over 128
Cause code values of 128 and higher aren’t sent over the network. A terminal displaying a value 128 or higher and claiming it is a cause code arguably has a bug or is implementing some proprietary diagnostic code (not necessarily bad). Some commendation has cause codes listed with numbers higher than 128, but at this time they are proprietary in nature.
The PRI equipment vendors are the most likely to use these codes as they have been using proprietary messages in the facilities data link for some time now (there is an as yet undefined area in the FDL which is big enough to carry small datagrams or messages). It is typically used to pass proprietary control or maintenance messages between multiplexers.

При копировании статьи ссылка на источник ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНА ! Пожалуйста, уважайте чужой труд.

Автор: Панфилов Алексей (lehis (at)

Ничего не понялТак себе...Не плохоДовольно интересноОтлично ! То что нужно ! (голосов: 3, среднее: 5,00 из 5)
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Используем BIRD (Internet Routing Daemon) для создания «пограничного» маршрутизатора.

Итак, у нас появилась собственная автономная система и блок /23 PI адресов. Возник вопрос, что использовать для анонсирования своей AS и блока адресов, какое железо?
Клиенты использующие сеть для доступа к Интернет потребляют трафик порядка 300-400Мб/с. Ценник на «железный» роутер для таких задач будет от 400К рублей, поэтому было принято решение — используем opensource и имеющийся в наличии сервер HP Proliant DL140 G3 с двумя 2-х ядерными процессорами и 2Гб оперативной памяти. Используемая ОС — CentOS 5, а в качестве демона маршрутизации был выбран, после некторых тестов и сравнений, — BIRD. На используемом сервере установлена версия 1.2.4 (процесс установки описан здесь).

Описание схемы сети.

Смотрим рисунок. Сеть подключается через наш «пограничный» маршрутизатор к двум провайдерам, один из них AS65002 — основной, второй AS65001 — резервный, со вторым очень дружественные взаимоотношения и он по доброте душевной бесплатно транзитит наш трафик на точку обмена трафиком и обратно, таким образом, мы немного (а иногда и 50%) экономим на оплате трафика основному провайдеру. Наша AS — AS6500 и полученный префикс — zzz.zzz.zzz.0/23. Внутри нашей AS работает протокол OSPF (выбран исходя из того, что роутеры на базе opensource в сети будут появляться чаще, чем роутеры Cisco).  От обоих провайдеров мы получаем full-view. Дополнительно, второй провайдер (AS65001) «красит» маршруты с точки обмена трафиком с помощью community — 65001:1400. Для того, чтобы избежать ошибок с получением маршрута по умолчанию от провайдеров, мы сами его с пограничного маршрутизатора объявляем внутрь сети (тем самым, кстати гарантируем, что трафик на несуществующие префиксы не будет уходить дальше нашего роутера).  Стыковая  сеть с провайдером AS65002 — y.y.y.0/30, стыковая сеть с провайдером AS65001 — x.x.x.0/30. Внутри сети между роутерами используется сеть z.z.z.0/28.

Подготовка к созданию конфигурации BIRD, коротко о BIRD.

С документацией по использованию BIRD можно ознакомиться здесь. Самое основное в понимании работы с BIRD — это представление о таблицах маршрутизации и протоколах, которые работают с этими таблицами. BIRD поддерживает работу протоколов BGPv4, RIPv2, OSPFv2, OSPFv3 и виртуального протокола Pipe  для обмена маршрутами между различными таблицами маршрутизации. Для всех протоколов реализована работа с IPv6.  Между таблицей маршрутзации и протоколом устанавливаются два фильтра export и import, которые могут принимать, блокировать или изменять получаемую и передаваемую информацию из таблицы в протокол и обратно. Export — направление от таблицы к протоколу, import — в обратную сторону. Когда маршрут передается из протокола в таблицу, его стоимость пересчитывается и об этом оповещаются все протоколы, которые используют данную таблицу, после чего каждый протокол формирует update и рассылает сообщение согласно своему механизму оповещения об изменении маршрута.  По-умолчанию в BIRD существует таблица master, которая может использоваться всеми протоколами, если иное в конфигурации протокола не было указано. Кроме указанных выше протоколов, есть еще псевдопротокол kernel, отчечающий за синхронизацию между таблицами маршрутизации BIRD и ядра системы, протокол static — отвечающий за статическую маршрутизацию, протокол direct — создающий маршруты в BIRD на основе настроек сетевых интерфейсов полученных из ядра, и протокол device, отслеживающий состояниме интерфефсов в системе (up/down).

Составим список протоколов и их названий, которые мы будем использовать:
  • bgpAS65002 (в BIRD для работы с bgp соседом необходмо запустить отдельную «ветку» протокола) — для работы с основным провайдером;
  • bgpAS65001 — для работы с резервным провайдером;
  • ospfAS65000 — для обеспечения маршрутизации внутри сети;
  • static1 — понадобится для объявления маршрута по-умолчанию;
  • static2 — используем для объявления нашего «большого» префикса;
  • kernel — понадобится для передачи маршрутов из BIRD в систему;
  • direct и device — их назначение описано выше.

Т.к. конфигурация сети у нас довольно простая, будем использовать только одну таблицу маршрутизации — master.

Для составления конфигурационного файла, лучше все взаимосвязи сначала отразим на схеме:

На схеме видно, что нам для работы с информацией из таблицы master и из протоколов потребуются фильтры. Мы их опишем уже непосредственно в конфиге BIRD.

Файл конфигурации BIRD.


* This is an example configuration file.


#Задаем формат времени для логирования
timeformat base     iso long;
timeformat log      iso long;
timeformat protocol iso long;
timeformat route    iso long;

#Указываем путь к лог-файлу
log «/var/log/bird.log» all;
log stderr all;

##### Начнем описание наших протоколов, некоторые описания взяты из дефолтного конфига

# The direct protocol automatically generates device routes to

# all network interfaces. Can exist in as many instances as you wish

# if you want to populate multiple routing tables with device routes.
protocol direct {

interface «eth*», «*»; # Restrict network interfaces it works with


# This pseudo-protocol watches all interface up/down events.
protocol device {

scan time 10; # Scan interfaces every 10 seconds


# This pseudo-protocol performs synchronization between BIRD’s routing

# tables and the kernel. If your kernel supports multiple routing tables

# (as Linux 2.2.x does), you can run multiple instances of the kernel

# protocol and synchronize different kernel tables with different BIRD tables.
protocol kernel {
persist off; # Don’t remove routes on bird shutdown
scan time 20; # Scan kernel routing table every 20 seconds
import none; # Default is import all
export all; # Default is export none

#Статический маршрут, необходимый для добавления маршрута по-умолчанию в таблицу master
protocol static static1 {

route via «lo»;


#Статический маршрут для добавления нашего префикса в таблицу
protocol static static2 {

preference 253;

route zzz.zzz.zzz.0/23 via «lo»;

###Конфигурация протокола OSPF:

#Как мы описывали выше, мы должны объявить нашим ospf соседям маршрут по-умолчанию и маршруты типа directly, а в таблицу master должны передать маршруты полученные от ospf соседей, кроме дефолта

#для этого используем соответствующие фильтры:
filter import_OSPF {

if ( source = RTS_OSPF && net != ) then {

print «net accepted:», net;





filter export_OSPF {
#Передаем маршруты connected
if ( source = RTS_DEVICE ) then {

print «net accepted:», net;

ospf_metric2 = 20;


#Передаем маршрут по умолчанию, т.к. он у нас «завернут» на интефрейс loopback, то необходимо использовать конструкцию RTS_STATIC_DEVICE, а не RTS_STATIC
if ( source = RTS_STATIC_DEVICE && net = ) then {

print «net accepted:», net;

ospf_metric2 = 5;





#Конфигурация протокола OSPF
protocol ospf ospfAS65000 {

router id;

export filter export_OSPF;

import filter import_OSPF;

area {

interface «eth1.4» {

hello 10;

retransmit 5;

cost 10;

transmit delay 1;

dead count 4;

wait 40;

type broadcast;

priority 0;




###Настройка BGP

#Задаем функцию, с помощью которой мы будем блокировать сети RFC1918, дефолт, префиксы короче /24, префиксы /32, /0 и /7, если они вдруг «прилетят» от bgp соседей
function avoid_nonexist()
#Описываем префикс-лист, по которому будет происходить проверка маршрутов
prefix set nonexist;


nonexist = [,,,,,,,{25,32},{0,7} ];

if net ~ nonexist then return false;

return true;

#Задаем функцию, с помощью которой будем фильтровать маршруты из нашей AS
function pref_from_myasset()

prefix set pref_from_65000;


pref_from_65000 = [ zzz.zzz.zzz.0/23  ];

if net ~ pref_from_65000 then return true;

return false;


###Основной провайдер

##Отфильтровываем маршруты и устанавливаем local preference
filter prov65002in {

if avoid_nonexist() then


bgp_local_pref = 340; #устанавливаем local preference




filter prov65002out {

if pref_from_myasset() then


bgp_community = -empty-; #не отправляем никаких коммьюнити
bgp_path.prepend(65000); #добавляем prepend




protocol bgp bgpAS65002 {

table master;

router id yyy.yyy.yyy.2;

description «AS65002»;

local as 65000;

neighbor yyy.yyy.yyy.1 as 65002;

hold time 240;

startup hold time 240;

connect retry time 120;

keepalive time 80;

start delay time 5;

error wait time 60, 300;

error forget time 300;

next hop self;

path metric 1;

default bgp_med 0;

source address yyy.yyy.yyy.2;

export filter prov65002in;

import filter prov65002out;


###Резервный провайдер

##Отфильтровываем маршруты, устанавливаем local preference для маршрутов помеченных community на стороне второго провайдера
filter prov65001in {

if (65001,1400) ~ bgp_community then


bgp_local_pref = 400; # local preference для маршрутов отмеченных community 65001:400



bgp_local_pref = 330; #local preference для остальных маршрутов
if avoid_nonexist() then accept;


filter prov65002out {

if pref_from_myasset() then


bgp_community = -empty-;





protocol bgp bgpAS65001 {

table master;

router id;

description «AS65001»;

local as 65000;

neighbor as 65001;

hold time 240;

startup hold time 240;

connect retry time 120;

keepalive time 80;

start delay time 5;

error wait time 60, 300;

error forget time 300;

next hop self;

path metric 1;

default bgp_med 0;

source address;

export filter prov65002out;

import filter prov65002in;



* The End


Для проверки работы фильтров, состояния протоколов, маршрутов и т.п. в BIRD есть свой CLI:

# /usr/local/sbin/birdc

BIRD 1.2.4 ready.

bird> >?

configure [soft] [«<file>»]                    Reload configuration

debug …                                      Control protocol debugging via BIRD logs

disable <protocol> | «<pattern>» | all         Disable protocol

down                                           Shut the daemon down

dump …                                       Dump debugging information

echo [all | off | <mask>] [<buffer-size>]      Configure echoing of log messages

enable <protocol> | «<pattern>» | all          Enable protocol

exit                                           Exit the client

help                                           Description of the help system

mrtdump …                                    Control protocol debugging via MRTdump files

quit                                           Quit the client

reload <protocol> | «<pattern>» | all          Reload protocol

restart <protocol> | «<pattern>» | all         Restart protocol

restrict                                       Restrict current CLI session to safe commands

show …                                       Show status information

На этом пока все, буду рад, если эта статья кому-то пожет в работе))

З.Ы. При копировании статьи ссылка на источник ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНА ! Пожалуйста, уважайте чужой труд.

Автор: zaikini
Ничего не понялТак себе...Не плохоДовольно интересноОтлично ! То что нужно ! (голосов: 2, среднее: 5,00 из 5)
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